Hyperbaric Medical Center
Santa Barbara

In 2013, over 1.6 million people were diagnosed with cancer and over 500,000 cancer-related deaths occurred in the US alone. Cancer is one of the leading cause of death, worldwide, and new integrated treatments are being utilized to help combat its devastating effects. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is currently being utilized in conjunction with conventional treatments, including radiation and chemotherapy, to attain optimal dosages for patients, stimulate tumor regression and reduce the side effects of treatments. Cancer thrives in hypoxic environments and HBOT has been shown to increase these oxygen levels to weaken tumors and reduce their aggressiveness.
Enhance "conventional Cancer Therapies and Treatments with HBOT
- Reduces Tumor Hypoxia
- Better Radiation Therapy Results
- Improves Chemotherapy Outcome
- Enhances Brain Treatment
- Decreases Tumor Drug Resistance
- Allows for optimal Therapy Dosage to be attained
- Increases Pos-op Fibroblast Activation
Reduce Side Effects of "Conventional" Cancer Therapies & Treatments with HBOT
- Reduces Radiation Therapy Side Effects
- Decreases Chemotherapy Side Effects
- Accelerates Post-Operative Healing and Prevents infection
- Reduces Chemo-Brain Syndrome Symptom
Reduce Side Effects of "Conventional" Cancer Therapies & Treatments with HBOT
- Reduces Radiation Therapy Side Effects
- Decreases Chemotherapy Side Effects
- Accelerates Post-Operative Healing and Prevents infection
- Reduces Chemo-Brain Syndrome Symptoms
Enhance IV Cancer Treatments with HBOT
- Increases Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy Effect
- Enhances Chemotherapy Uptake
Reduce Tumor Aggressivenes with HBOT
- Weakens Hypoxic Tumor
- Targets Metastatic Tumors
Increases Natural Killer Cell Activity and Function with HBOT
- Increases Oxy-Radical Production
- Amplifies Apoptosis Effect
- Regresses Tumor Volume
Cancer Prevention with HBOT
- Decreases Inflammatory Markers
- Normalizes Intracellular Oxygen Levels
- Reduces Risk of Pathogenic Inflammatory-Related Tumor
- Supports Cellular Energy Processes for Optimal DNA Repair
Text provided by International Hyperbarics Association more info can be found in www.ihausa.org/cancer